In the interpretation of these rules the following terms shall have the meaning respectively assigned to them unless there is something in the context clearly inconsistent to such meaning.
Financial Year means the first day of January to the last day of December of the same year.
Year of Membership means the first day of April to the last day of March of the year following.
Office Bearer means any person holding Office for the time being of the Club.
Words importing the singular number only include the plural number and vice versa; words importing the masculine gender all include the feminine gender.
The Club shall be affiliated to Athletics New Zealand Inc. (A.N.Z.Inc.) through Athletics Auckland Inc. (A.A.Inc.) and/or such other association as determined by the members.
The name of the Club shall be:
(hereinafter referred to as "the Club").
The Club Uniforms shall be that which is approved or sold by the Executive Committee.
The Objects for which the Club is established are:-
(a) To provide opportunities and situations to develop consideration, cooperation, acceptance of differences and leadership.
(b)To provide the resources and opportunities necessary for athletes to reach their desired goals in the athletics context whether they be social, recreational, health, competitive or representative.
(c)To foster enjoyment, achievement and satisfaction for all members, competitors, officials, coaches and supporters.
(d)To recruit and encourage athletes to participate in athletics as a sporting activity.
(e)To provide an organisation with effective and efficient administration, communication and financial structures.
Members of the Club shall comprise:-
(a) Life Membership which honour may be conferred upon any person for outstanding services to the Club. Nominations for Life Membership shall be in writing to the Executive Secretary sponsored by three (3) financial members of the Club and shall be in the hands of the Executive Secretary the first day of February prior to the Annual General Meeting of the Club.
The election to Life Membership shall be by written ballot at which the proposed member must receive at least a seventy-five (75) per cent majority of the votes cast.
Each person elected to Life Membership of the Club shall be presented a special badge suitably inscribed, and such badge shall entitle the member to free admission to all athletic meetings conducted by the Club together with all other privileges that financial members are entitled to.
(b) Competitive Members are those members approved by the recognised Body or Association.
(c)Associate Members are members who are registered with another Club. An Associate Member is required to pay a social membership fee and is eligible to compete at events organised by the Club. Associate Members cannot be eligible to win Club Trophies.
(d) Social Members
Social membership entitles a member to participate in Club activities and events.
(e) Honorary Members
The Honorary Members of the Club shall consist of one Patron, to be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club, and such number of Honorary Vice-Presidents as may from time to time be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club. An Honorary Officer shall pay neither an entrance fee nor a subscription. They shall be entitled to all the privileges and benefits of membership except that they shall not vote upon any question affecting the finances of the Club unless they are a financial member as hereinafter provided.
(f) Financial Members
Financial Members of the Club shall consist of those persons who shall have paid an annual subscription as determined by Clause 7 (seven) hereof.
The annual subscription payable by members of the Club shall be set by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee in determining the annual subscription shall take into consideration the following namely:
(i) A.N.Z. Inc. & A.A. Inc. fees.
(ii) Any other recognised Body or Association fee.
(iii) The opinion of members expressed at the Annual General Meeting of the Club.
The Executive Committee may at its sole discretion require any person upon application for membership of the Club to make payment of an entrance fee at an amount to be determined by the Executive Committee from time to time.
Every member shall in addition to all other monies payable by them forthwith pay to the Club all and every the sums of monies levied or further subscriptions as shall be determined at the sole discretion of the Executive Committee and which the Executive Committee shall consider necessary or expedient for the purpose of furthering the interests of the Club and/or any Section of the Club.
The Executive Committee may impose upon any member whose subscriptions are in arrears and unpaid for the space of one calendar month from the date thereof a fine or penalty at an amount to be determined by the Executive Committee.
Club policy aligned to legislation around working with children under the age of 16.
All Club Officers, Committee Members, Coaches, Coordinators & Volunteers are required to agree to undergo a police check by 'Police Vetting Service'.
Details of such police checks are to be kept confidential, with results checked by two appointed, Currently Vetted Officers of the Committee. If both these Committee Officers are satisfied such a report shows there is no risk to children, then the volunteer concerned will continue in the position to which they were elected/appointed.
In a case where there are not two Currently Vetted Officers available, then the Club should consult Police Youth Aid for direction.
If it is the agreed opinion of both appointed Officers, based on a Police Vetting Service report, that a person appointed or elected is unsuitable, then that person's appointment will be terminated immediately and termination will be confirmed/minuted at the next Club Committee Meeting.
If the volunteer whose appointment has been terminated wishes to appeal, they must put their appeal in writing to the Club for consideration at the next Club Committee Meeting.
If only one of the two appointed Officers has concerns based on a Police Vetting Service Report, then the Club should consult Police Youth Aid for direction.
(a) The Club shall at its Annual General Meeting elect a Committee (hereinafter referred to as "the Executive Committee") in which shall be vested the management and control of the Club and shall hold office until retirement or removal from office or election of successor to office.
(b) The Executive Committee shall consist of the following:
(i) The President
(ii) Vice President
(iii) Secretary
(iv) Treasurer
(v) A minimum of four (4) committee members. A maximum number of persons to be decided upon by the executive committee.
(vi) In addition the Executive Committee shall also consist of two (2) delegates appointed from each of the Sectional Committees as hereinafter provided.
(c) The general powers of the Executive Committee shall consist of:
(i) To make regulations with regard to the Club grounds buildings and equipment which regulations shall be binding on every member of the Club.
(ii) To employ and dismiss salaried and other paid officers or servants.
(iii) To carry out all contracts entered into by the Club.
(iv) To purchase lease or otherwise acquire for the Club any real or personal property which the Club shall decide to purchase lease or otherwise acquire upon such terms and conditions as the Committee shall think fit and to give and execute mortgages over the lands or other property purchased leased or otherwise acquired to secure the balance of purchase money and to sell exchange or let any lands or other property which the Club shall decide to sell exchange or let provided that no lands or other property shall be purchased leased exchanged sold let or mortgaged or otherwise encumbered except with the approval of the Club in General Meeting assembled.
(v) To purchase construct and maintain buildings fences and works as it considers necessary and to enter into contracts in respect thereof.
(vi) To borrow or raise money upon mortgage on the real or personal property of the Club or any part thereof or upon debentures of the Club and to issue such debentures charging the whole or any part of the assets of the Club and to execute mortgages to secure such debentures or to borrow money from bankers or other persons with or without security provided that no money shall be borrowed on the security of any assets of the Club without the approval of the Club in General Meeting.
(vii) To place on deposit with any Bank or Savings Bank or otherwise invest the funds of the Club and to vary or alter such deposits or investments.
(viii) To institute conduct defend compromise or abandon any legal proceedings by or against the Club or its Officers or otherwise concerning the affairs of the Club.
(ix) To claim sue for and recover in the name of the Club or otherwise all or any subscriptions or other monies due by any members of the Club.
(vi) To have overall management and control of the Club funds and the Club property and to invest the Club funds on such proper trustee investments as it may think fit for the purposes of the Club to incur and pay such liabilities as it may deem necessary.
(vii) To have overall management and control of all fundraising whether or not such fundraising is for the Club generally or for a particular object in mind, and all fundraising, including stalls at all events, must always be done in the name of the Club and under the supervision of three (3) Club members or more, such money raised being properly monitored and audited and paid into Club funds. The Executive Committee shall decide on any requests made for any such money or part thereof to be used in any particular way.
(x) To appoint such subcommittees and/or Sectional Committees from its Club members as it may deem necessary, and to assist it in carrying out its duties.
(xi) To regulate, govern and control the conduct of all Officers and members of the Club.
(xii) To inflict a penalty upon any member or members found guilty of breaking the Constitution or the Regulations of the Club, or refusing to give effect to any resolution passed by the Executive Committee or Annual General Meeting of the Club.
(xv) To institute or reorganize any subcommittee or Sectional Committee who default or fail to carry out the objectives of the Club.
(xvi) To co-opt new members to fill any vacancy which may arise on the Executive Committee until the next Annual General Meeting and any person so appointed shall retire at the next Annual General Meeting along with the rest of the Executive Committee but all or any of the retired Executive Committee shall be eligible for re-election. Such co-opted members shall be deemed to have been duly elected.
(i) To alter or rescind standing orders for the conduct of the meeting.
(iii) To suspend any member whose subscription is three (3) months in arrears.
(xvii) To strike off the membership roll any member found guilty of misconduct or of conduct prejudicial to the good name of the Club.
(xviii) If in the event of a case occurring for which in the opinion of the Executive Committee there is no provision in this Constitution, such case shall be decided by the Executive Committee and it may (if deemed necessary to do so) report the case with the decision to an Annual General Meeting of the Club for ratification.
Removal of the Executive Committee from the Office shall be by a two-thirds majority of votes of Financial Members present cast at a Special Meeting of the Club and then for the purpose and the manner provided for in the Club's Constitution and their successors shall be elected to hold Office until the next Annual General Meeting of the Club.
The Sectional Committees of the Club shall consist of:
(i) Track and Field
(ii) Harrier
(iii) Children's
(iii) Any other Sectional Committee as the Executive Committee may from time to time decide.
The Track and Field Sectional Committee shall consist of the following who shall be duly nominated and elected by members of the Club at the Annual Sectional Meeting of the Track and Field Section namely:
(a) (i) Chairperson
(ii) Secretary
(iii) Treasurer
(iv) Up to sixteen (16) Committee members
(b) The Track and Field Committee shall organise and conduct Track and Field activities for the Club and shall have full control of such other Track and Field administration except that any item of expenditure exceeding funds held by the Track and Field Committee must receive prior approval of the Executive Committee of the Club.
The Harrier Sectional Committee shall consist of the following who shall be duly nominated and elected by members of the Club at the Annual Sectional Meeting of the Harrier Section namely:
(a) (i) Chairperson
(iii) Treasurer
(iv) Up to sixteen (16) Committee members.
(b) The Harrier Committee shall organize and conduct all Harrier activities for the Club and all other Harrier administration except that any item of expenditure exceeding funds held by the Harrier Committee must receive prior approval of the Executive Committee of the Club.
The Children's Sectional Committee shall consist of the following who shall be duly nominated and elected by members of the Club at the Annual Sectional Meeting of the Children's Section namely:
(a) (i) Chairperson
(iv) Up to sixteen (16) Committee members.
(b) The Children's Committee shall organize all the Children's events for the Club and shall have full control of other Children's Track and Field administration except that any item of expenditure exceeding funds held by the Children's Committee must receive prior approval of the Executive Committee of the Club.
All funds in excess of a working capital to a maximum as determined by the Executive Committee held by any or all of the Sectional Committees as hereinbefore referred to shall be vested to the Executive Committee of the Club.
The Quorum for:
(a) A meeting of the Executive Committee shall be not less than six (6) of its members.
(b) A meeting of any Sectional Committee shall be not less than a majority of its members.
(c) An Annual General Meeting or any Special General Meeting of the Club shall be not less than fifteen (15) of its members but should there not be a quorum the members present may at the expiration of half an hour from the time appointed for assembling adjourn the meeting for one week.
(d) An Annual Sectional Meeting or a Special Meeting of a Sectional Committee shall be not less than seven (7) of its members but should there not be a quorum the members present may at the expiration of half an hour from the time appointed for assembling adjourn the meeting for one week.
(e) A majority is deemed to mean a simple majority of those members present and by way of example if a Committee has sixteen (16) members then nine (9) shall form a quorum.
(a) Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meetings of the Club must be held before 30th April each year at such time and place as shall be fixed by the Executive Committee. At least fourteen (14) days notice of such Annual General Meeting stating the nature of business to be brought before the Meeting shall be given on two occasions by email to all financial members.
(b) Annual Sectional Meetings
(i)The Annual Sectional Meeting of the Track and Field Section Notification of such Annual Meeting shall be given by email to all financial members as provided for the Annual General Meeting of the Club.
(ii)The Annual Sectional Meeting of the Harrier Section - Notification of such Annual Meeting shall be given by email to all financial members as provided for the Annual General Meeting of the Club.
(iii) The Annual Sectional Meeting of the Children's Section Notification of such Annual Meeting shall be given by email to all financial members as provided for the Annual General Meeting of the Club.
(c) Special General Meetings
The notice calling a Special General Meeting and the purpose for which it is being held shall be given by email to all financial members on two (2) occasions; the last of such advertisements to be placed at least seven (7) days prior to such Special General Meeting.
(d) Special Sectional Meetings
The notice calling a Special Sectional Meeting of a Section and the purpose for which it is being held shall be given by email to all financial members on two (2) occasions; the last of such advertisements to be placed at least seven (7) days prior to the Special Sectional Meeting of such Special Sectional Meeting.
(e) Committee Meetings
The Executive Committee and Sectional Committees shall meet each month or from time to time as determined by such Committee on a day and at a time and place to be determined by the respective Committee.
(f) Special Meetings
(i)Special Meetings of members of the Executive Committee may be called by the President or any two (2) members of such Committee at any time on giving not less than forty eight (48) hours notice to each member of that Committee and specifying the purpose for such meeting.
(ii) Special Meetings of members of Sectional Committees may be called by the respective Chairperson of such Committee or any two (2) members of such Committee at any time on giving not less than forty eight (48) hours notice to each member of that Committee and specifying the purpose for such meeting.
(g) Remits
All remits and notices of motion must be in writing and must be received by the Club Secretary at least twenty eight (28) days before the date of the meeting and must be sent by him to the Secretary of the Sectional Committee at least twenty one (21) days before the meeting.
The meeting procedures shall be as follows:
(a)At all meetings of the Club or the Executive Committee the President or in his/her absence the Vice-President shall act as Chairperson. In the absence of both of these Officers a member chosen by those present shall occupy the Chair.
(b)At all meetings of Sectional Committees the duly elected Chairperson shall act as Chairperson of the Sectional Committee and in his/her absence a member chosen by those present shall occupy the Chair.
(c)The Chairperson of all meetings shall have a casting vote as well as a deliberate vote.
(d)At meetings of the Executive Committee and Sectional Committees voting shall be at the discretion of the Chairperson either on the voices, by show of hands, or by secret ballot except in the case of an election of an Officer when it shall be by secret ballot. A member of the Committee has however the right to request that any particular vote be taken by secret ballot.
(e) Two (2) scrutineers shall be appointed for the election of Officers at the Annual General Meeting, Annual Sectional Meetings or such Special Meetings of the Club or Section as from time to time might occur for the specific purpose of scrutinising votes with regard to the election of Officers.
(f) The President shall be an ex officio member of all Sub-Committees and/or Sectional Committees.
The standing orders shall be as follows:
(a)Confirmation of previous meeting minutes
(b)Business arising out of the previous meeting
(c)Inward correspondence
(d)Outward correspondence
(e)Financial report
(f)Election of Officers (if necessary)
(g) Health and Safety
(h) Notices of Motion
(i) Any business that may be appointed for the meeting
(j) To set honorariums (if any)
(k) General Business
(I) Members may only speak to a question or motion after gaining permission to do so from the Chairperson.
(m)All members who obtain the Chairperson's permission to speak or raise a point of order must address the Committee through the Chair, so avoiding direct conversations or arguments between individuals across the floor and thus enabling the Chairperson to keep order and allow all members an opportunity to speak.
(n)The ruling of the Chairperson shall be final and at all times without comment. It can be challenged by a Notice of Motion which shall be considered at the following meeting.
(o)If a point of order is raised when a member is speaking, such member shall stop until the point of order is stated.
(p)The Chairperson's ruling on a point of order shall not be debatable
(q)Motions and amendments shall not be discussed until they have been seconded. If the amendment is lost, one further amendment may be moved but no more.
(r)It shall not be permissible to withdraw any Motion that has been proposed and seconded, except with the consent of the proposer and seconder.
(s)Members shall be entitled to speak only once to each question but may speak to a point of order or with the permission of the Chairperson to correct a misstatement. The mover of any original Motion shall have the right of reply.
(t)Movers of Motions shall be limited to three (3) minutes and all other speakers to the Motion including the right of reply to one (1) minute.
(u)If any case arises that is not provided for in the Rules or in the Standing Orders, the Chairperson shall be guided by the principles as laid down in the Manual of Chairmanship.
(a)Any financial member of the Papakura Athletic and Harrier Club shall have power to vote. In the case where a member is under the age of 18 years (a minor), one (1) voting right shall be given to that person's legal guardians; in cases where there are two or more registered minors from the same family and living at the same address, a maximum of two (2) votes per family may be granted.
(b)In any ballot for an election each vote shall be for not more than the number of members to be elected, otherwise it will be invalid.
(c)Every Motion shall be decided by a majority of votes, and in a case of equal voting the Chairperson shall have a casting vote.
(d)Voting shall be by a show of hands unless a Motion to take a secret ballot shall be proposed and carried. No debate shall be proposed and seconded.
(e)No person shall be allowed to vote at Committee meetings unless they are a member of that Committee.
(f)No Life Member shall have voting powers at any Committee or Subcommittee meeting unless they are a duly elected member of that Committee.
(g)No member shall be able to vote at any Meeting of the Club of whatsoever nature by way of proxy.
The duties of the Treasurer shall be:
(a)The Treasurer shall receive all monies pertaining to the Club on behalf of the Club and shall keep a clear record of the income and expenditure of the Club. He/she shall submit to the Annual General Meeting an audited balance sheet and an income and expenditure account incorporating the balance sheets, statement of receipts and payments of income and expenditure accounts from each of the respective Sectional Committees. He/she shall also present as a report to each Executive Committee meeting a written statement of the Club's finances. All funds to the Club shall be paid to the credit of the Bank account of the Club. All accounts shall be paid by cheque signed by at least two (2) of the following: Treasurer, Secretary, President and a member of the Executive Committee appointed by that Committee for that purpose.
(b)The funds of the Club shall be under the control of the Executive Committee subject at all times to the direction of the Club and the bankers of the Club shall be such bank or banks as may from time to time be decided upon by the Executive Committee.
(c)Notwithstanding Clauses 24(a) and 24(b), Sectional Committees may each separately establish such bank accounts as may be required for its operations, such accounts shall be at all times liable to audit by the Executive Treasurer acting under the direction of the Executive Committee. The Treasurer of each Sectional Committee shall receive all monies on behalf of such Committee and shall keep a clear record of the income and expenditure. He/she shall submit to its Annual Meeting a balance sheet and an income and expenditure account. He/she shall also present as a report to each Committee meeting a statement of the Committee's finances. All funds of the Committee shall be paid to the credit of the bank account of the Committee. All accounts shall be paid by cheque signed by at least two (2) of the following members of the Committee: Treasurer, Secretary, Chairperson and a member of the Committee appointed by that Committee for that purpose.
(a)Members whose subscriptions are not in arrears shall be entitled to vote at Annual Meetings and Special General Meetings of the Club or Section.
(b)To be an Office Bearer a person shall be a current financial member.
(c)To be able to compete in any Club event a person must be a financial member of the Club.
(d)At all times a list of the current financial members of the Club shall be kept at the meeting place of the Executive Committee and available for such Committee. Such list of current financial members shall be made available upon request to the Secretary of any Section.
(a)Executive Committee Members and Sectional Committee Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club and the Annual Meeting of the respective Club Section provided that the proposed member is sponsored by two (2) financial members of the Club and/or Section as the case may be.
(b)Sectional Committees may co-opt members as deemed necessary for efficient administration and such members shall be deemed to have been elected and shall hold office until retirement or removal from office or until the election of a new Committee.
(c)Sectional Committees shall forward copies of minutes of all their Meetings to the Executive Secretary within seven (7) days prior to the holding of the next Executive Meeting.
(d)Minutes of Executive Committee Meetings shall be distributed to Members of the Executive Committee within seven (7) days of the following Meeting.
(e) Honorariums shall be set at the Annual General Meeting of the Club or at the Annual Sectional Meeting of a Section or at a Special Meeting convened for such a purpose.
A member of the Executive Committee or a Sectional Committee shall ipso facto vacate their Office if:
(a)they are absent from three (3) consecutive meetings of the Committee without leave of the Committee.
(b)they become bankrupt, a lunatic or are found to be of unsound mind.
(c)they resign by notice in writing to the Committee.
(d)by notice in writing from the Committee they are called upon to resign for any reason which the Committee deems expedient.
(a)The Executive Committee or Sectional Committees shall nominate Delegates as required to attend Meetings.
(b)Unless otherwise instructed such Delegates shall be given power to vote as they think fit and report business transacted at such Meetings to the next Meeting of the respective Club Committee.
Any financial member wishing to resign from the Club shall give notice to the Secretary in writing of their intention. Until such notice is given such member shall be considered a member of the Club.
If the conduct of any member appears to the Executive Committee to endanger the character good order or welfare of the Club it shall then hold an inquiry with an opportunity given to the member to state their position and on its own resolution provided such resolution is carried by three fourths of those present expel such member from the Club.
No member shall receive or obtain any pecuniary gain except as salary or honorarium from the funds, property or operations of the Club.
(a)Any member or members who have a complaint or appeal against a member or any of the functions of a Sectional Committee shall put such complaint or appeal in writing with a deposit of $20.00 to the Secretary of the Section concerned who having received such written notice shall advise the Chairperson of that Sectional Committee who shall call a meeting of that Committee and such Committee shall make a full inquiry into the complaint and act in accordance with the Constitution or in whatever way is considered to be in the best interest of that Section. The decision of the Sectional Committee is to be given to the complainant/s within twenty eight (28) days of such complaint being considered. If the complaint is upheld then the deposit shall be refunded.
(b)The complainant/s shall have the right of appeal to the Executive Committee of the Club whose decision shall be final.
(c)If any case occurs which is not or which is alleged not to be provided for by these rules it shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
(a)This Constitution may be altered, added to or rescinded or otherwise amended by a Resolution passed by a three-quarter (3/4) majority of those present at a duly convened Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting of the Club.
(b)Members wishing to propose any alteration, addition, suspension of the Constitution shall give Notice in writing of such desire at least twenty eight (28) days prior to date of Meeting and such Notice shall state the proposed alteration, addition, suspension on the Club notice board.
(c)A copy of any such alteration, addition, suspension of the Club Constitution duly accepted must be lodged with the Club's Solicitor and in the Clubrooms.
(d)A duplicate copy of every such amendment shall forthwith be sent to the Registrar of Incorporated Societies.
In the event of the disbandment or winding up of the Club, the property of the Club shall be realised and the surplus assets available after payment of all liabilities shall be vested in Athletics Auckland Incorporated or if such body is not in existence then in Athletics New Zealand Incorporated as trustee and such body shall apply the same to any new athletic club which may be formed in the Papakura District provided that the aims and objectives of the new Club are charitable and similar to those of the defunct Club.
The Executive Committee shall have the power from time to time to make, alter, amend and repeal any Regulations and/or Rules not consistent with this Constitution subject to confirmation at the next Annual General Meeting. All such Regulations and/or Rules shall be entered into a book kept for that purpose. Every member of the Club shall be bound by and submit to the Constitution and Regulations and/or Rules of the Club and in any case which is not or is alleged not to be provided for by the Regulations and/or Rules of the Club shall be determined by the Executive Committee whose decision shall be final.
(a) A copy of the current Constitution of the Club must be lodged with the Club's Solicitor and be available to any member of the Club.
(b) All Regulations and/or Rules and Notices of Motion previously governing the Club will as from the acceptance date below be deemed null and void.
Download Constitution 2021